Tierry Danquin

GĂ©nial Geek ;-)

Driver for LCD panel

I did a library to drive an LCD from a microcontroller Microchip PIC18F2550. Running at 8MHz, the display is fluid, so I’ll be able to add animation routines 😉

Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro

Today I installed Ubuntu in dual boot on my MacBookPro. The installation went pretty well but GRUB configuration was a bit complex, but it works perfectly for my great pleasure ^^.

Embryo.js – The most simple JavaScript inheritance library

Embryo.js is a JavaScript library that I created in order to develop in JavaScript with classes. The world of object-oriented programming is offered to us in order to make beautiful applications 😉 Here’s what you can do with Embryo in a very simple way:

Github : https://github.com/oOthkOo/embryo.js