

SendoMaster is a converter for old Alcatel302 mobile phone ringtone codes to Sendo phone ^^. At the time, ringtones Alcatel 302 swarmed on the net and I could not find any site for finding Sendo Ring Pattern, I then noticed that the rings was in midi format. By finding correspondences between Alcatel and notes Sendo, I could make this converter which then allowed me to add new ringtone to my Sendo!

SendoMaster (11628 téléchargements)


Horloge Talking Clock is a software whose creation was inspired by a talking watch that I had at the time. I recorded the sounds of the watch to make me sound basis within the software. The development of this software allowed me to familiarize myself with the sound interfaces of Windows (Win32).

Horloge (8662 téléchargements)

Ejay Sound Box

Ejay Sound Box is a hack to disable software protection Ejay

Ejay Sound Box (8741 téléchargements)