Tierry Danquin

Génial Geek ;-)

Blox Messenger

Blox Messenger is a private client-server messaging that I created to overcome in the time of MSN Messenger 😉 This message consists of 2 software, one that allows endpoints to connect (Client) and the other for managing messaging (server). The protocol is fully compressed in order to approach the real-time ^^.

Blox Messenger Client (546 téléchargements)

Blox Messenger Server (563 téléchargements)


AlgebraXP is a calculator for calculating a simple way arithmethics expressions of the form (144-47)*45+(140+552+(478*26))

AlgebraXP (856 téléchargements)


Supervizer is an applications manager in NodeJS. I create because there is not as comprehensive ^^ NodeJS module. I already use it in production on some of my projects 😉

Github : https://github.com/oOthkOo/supervizer


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  • Start/Stop/Restart a node process
  • Group any node process
  • Start/Stop/Restart a node group process
  • Hot change node process host, port, logs in live 😉
  • Keep alive/Restart a node process when it crash
  • Monitoring resources (restart count, uptime, memory, cpu etc..) for every process
  • Watch directories/files management to restart process
  • Full RESTfull API management via HTTP
  • LOG files process management
  • PID files process management
  • User execution process management by uid:gid
  • Load/Save all node process configuration from/to json file