

WoodCryptor is one of my encryption software. It allows you to simply encrypt confidential documents. The difference with other encryption software I created is that it can encrypt large files easily.

WoodCryptor (11440 téléchargements)


SendoMaster is a converter for old Alcatel302 mobile phone ringtone codes to Sendo phone ^^. At the time, ringtones Alcatel 302 swarmed on the net and I could not find any site for finding Sendo Ring Pattern, I then noticed that the rings was in midi format. By finding correspondences between Alcatel and notes Sendo, I could make this converter which then allowed me to add new ringtone to my Sendo!

SendoMaster (10976 téléchargements)


WebDepence is a calculation software that allowed me to calculate my internet expenses when we had internet connections that do not exceed the 56K! I started at each Internet session do not exceed the package that my parents had bought!

WebDepence (9214 téléchargements)